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Tree Series

Carnival in the Orchard


62 x 70 cm
Framed: Contemporary light wood, box frame, matte pale grey, with glass


Hand-stitched elements, silk, fibres, dye, found objects, on fabric

From the Journal

Sarah, (little) Hannah and I were walking up in the orchards on a winter's day when we came upon a breathtaking sight! A large patch of trees had lost their leaves (as they are meant to), but still had hundreds of red/gold apples hanging from bare branches.

We thought they looked like Christmas baubles, and also dubbed them the "lollypop trees!" They lifted our tired spirits, and it felt a bit surreal being in amongst them. I took it one step further when I stitched a picture of them, and turned it into a full-on carnival, pulsating with energy and joy!

(I still don't know why all the apples hadn't fallen off at the same time as they usually do. Perhaps Glen, the owner of the orchard can tell me....)

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